如果使用改动版本的js,可改善这个问题。 二,Swiper(可复制以下代码,保存为js放于项目中);. /** transitionEnd(function(){x&&(x.
Imageine how much in JavaScript code you can save by avoiding a JavaScript library for this. The duration, fill-mode, and delay can all be set via CSS, so your JavaScript stays lightweight. Major win!
2018-07-02 The transitionend event occurs when a CSS transition has completed. Note: If the transition is removed before completion, e.g. if the CSS transition-property property is removed, the transitionend event will not fire. For more information about CSS Transitions, see our tutorial on CSS3 Transitions. HTMLElement: transitionend event. The transitionend event is fired when a CSS transition has completed. In the case where a transition is removed before completion, such as if the transition-property is removed or display is set to none, then the event will not be generated.
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//; // Since obs-websocket српски 한국어 · JavaScript licenses API Webbplats Go1.13.9. transitionDuration)?(this.once("transitionEnd",function(){this.removeElem()}) define&&define.amd?define("isotope/js/item",["outlayer/outlayer"] transitionEnd=i[q.transition]||null;for(var p in q){if(q.hasOwnProperty(p)&&typeof getHref()){a+=' href="'+b+'"'}else{a+=' href="javascript:;"'}if(this._disabled){a+=' DomUtil.TRANSITION+"End":"transitionend",function(){if("onselectstart"in e)o.extend(o.DomUtil,{disableTextSelection:function(){o.DomEvent.on(t,"selectstart",o. 1 bara sätt in js-koden inuti och css inuti ; 1 det enda rådet är: läs en Så hur cam jag har något som if (transitionend == true) {/ . createElement("a"); otemp_href.href="javascript:void(0);"; document.body.
YourJavaScript.com will host your javascript file for free forever. addEventListener("transitionend",updatePosition,false);t.
transitionEnd returns a property called propertyName in the event object. Source. Therefore you can test for the property you want and use simple logic to filter the callbacks: document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('transitionend', function(event){ if(event.propertyName !== 'width') return; console.log('transitionEnd - width!');